Discover Our Community
Finances and Giving
Giving to the Canonry Benefice
The work in our churches and the upkeep of our buildings is a costly endeavour every year. We would be so grateful for any financial support you can give to the Canonry Benefice. This money will go towards our listed church buildings, making sure they are safe to use and fit for purpose for our communities. Financial giving also supports the life of our churches; funding the work of the church, community events and services.
Elmstone church and st. Mildred’s, preston
As well as a traditional cash collection plate at our Elmstone and Preston services, we use the Parish Giving Scheme for regular donations. Alternatively, if you want to join our standing order scheme, please contact the Treasurer, Chris Nickols, for our bank details at
all saints, chillenden
Feel free to use this QR code to make a donation or to set up a regular gift using your phone. Alternatively follow the link to the Parish Giving page here.
st. nicholas, ash
We have regular giving opportunities within our services at Ash as well as a SumUp machine within the church. Please use the Parish Giving page to set up regular giving. For any queries, or to set up a standing order directly, feel free to contact our treasurer Andrew Collings at
st. Mary’s, nonington
People can donate to Nonington by cash or cheque, and also online. To make one-off payments or set up a standing order, please either use the QR code or visit the Sum-up donation link here. There is also a Sum-up machine to take card payments within the church in person.
Holy cross, goodnestone
We have regular giving opportunities within our services at Goodnestone as well as a QR code to use within church. We can also facilitate regular giving through standing orders.